We understand that keeping your family warm through the winter is a priority – we also understand that for some families, it can be financially challenging. But just like you, keeping families in Southeast Pennsylvania warm and comfortable is a top priority for our team at Countryside.
That’s why we’re incredibly proud to participate in the Pennsylvania LIHEAP (Low Income Heating Energy Assistance Program) working with local organizations in our community areas to provide help to our friends and neighbors who need it the most. Below are some links and phone numbers for LIHEAP and some of the other organizations that may be able to assist you.
625 Cherry Street
Reading, PA 19602-1188
Toll Free: 1-866-215-3912
Phone: 610-736-4211
LIHEAP 610-736-4228 or 866-215-3911
FAX: 610-736-4004
832 Manor Street
P.O. Box 4967
Lancaster, PA 17604-4967
Toll Free: 1-866-215-3912
LIHEAP 717-299-7543
FAX: 717-299-7565
625 South Eighth Street
Lebanon, PA 17042-0870
Toll Free: 1-800-229-3926
Phone: 717-270-3600
LIHEAP 717-273-1641
FAX: 717-228-2589
101 South 7th Street
Allentown, PA 18101-2295
Toll Free: 1-877-223-5956
Phone: 610-821-6509
FAX: 610-821-6705
201 Larry Holmes Drive
P.O. Box 10
Easton, PA 18044-0010
Toll Free: 1-800-349-5122
Phone: 610-250-1700
LIHEAP 610-250-1785
FAX: 610-250-1839
2640 Woodglen Road
P.O. Box 1100
Pottsville, PA 17901-1341
Toll Free: 1-877-306-5439
Phone: 570-621-3000
LIHEAP 570-621-3072
FAX: 570-624-3334